Mô Chauvin 3
Nationality : French
Date of birth : 16 December 1998
Discipline : Wing foil, surf foil, kitesurf, surf, windsurf
Favorite spot : Ténia in New Caledonia
Favorite move : 360°
Major accomplishements

A solo wing foil crossing from Tahiti to Moorea, unassisted.

How did you get into wing foiling?

I started wing foiling thanks to some friends who taught me. We were camping on an islet, I’d packed my windsurfing gear but I discovered this new sport. I was immediately hooked!


What do you do before getting in the water? 

Call my friends so we can meet up at the spot!


Tell us about your best memory on the water.

I remember my first downwind in the Mediterranean, when we set off for about 50 km from France to Spain. It was the first time I’d found myself in the middle of big waves with a really strong wind. It was crazy! I can’t wait to do it again.


Worst wipeout? 

At home, on a wave at the reef. I cut my face open and still have the scar.


Who would you like to say thank you to? 

My father who signed my brother up for a windsurfing course, and my brother who didn’t want to go, so he let me go in his place.


A few words on your F-ONE quiver and favorite gear.

I really love my SK8 650 with my ROCKET WING board. This combo allows me to reach a pure sense of freedom by having this ease of carving, and it’s fast!

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